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You're viewing Lego Star Wars : The Complete Saga Cheat Codes

Game Name : Lego Star Wars : The Complete Saga
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-08-28 18:39:59
Views : 14424

Collect all the Gold Bricks to unlock an option to watch all the cutscenes at the Cantina.

Indiana Jones
Enter the "Bonus" room in the Cantina. Enter the "Trailers" door and watch the trailer for Lego Indiana Jones: The Videogame. You can now buy Indiana Jones for 50,000 studs.

Ghost characters
Successfully complete Story mode to unlock the Ghost characters for purchase. Ghosts characters are invincible and are ignored by enemies except when in vehicles.

Easy studs
There are several ways to get studs by destroying chairs, trash cans, etc. There are two fan covers on the ground outside the cantina that give lots of studs. Inside the cantina there is a location that gives a lot of studs. In "Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi" there is a table in the middle of the room with blue chairs. Use The Force on these chairs several times. Some studs should appear each time this is done.

Enter these codes in the cantina at the "codes" menu at the bar.
ACK646Admiral Ackbar
KPF958Battle Droid Commander
GGF539Boba Fett Boy
HHY697Boss Nass
QRN714Captain Tarpals
DDD748Count Dooku
EUK421Darth Maul
AAB123Droid Trifighter
AAB123Droid Trifighter
CLZ738Force Grapple (Jedis can grapple without gun)
PMN576General Grevious
GUA850Imperial Guard
HUT845Imperial Shuttle
KLJ897Jango Fett
MUN486Ki Adi Mundi
EVILR2R2-Q5 droid
PRX482Taun We
DBH897TIE Fighter
INT729TIE Interceptor
BDC866Vulture Droid
584HJFZam Wesell
UUU875Zam's Speeder

Use The Force to pick up the blue glasses on the floor of the Cantina and stack them up. A bowling ball will appear. You can use Force Throw to send them into the stack of blue glasses to get studs.

Easy studs
There are several ways to get studs by destroying chairs, trash cans, etc. There are two fan covers on the ground outside the cantina that give lots of studs. Inside the cantina there is a location that gives a lot of studs. In "Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi" there is a table in the middle of the room with blue chairs. Use The Force on these chairs several times. Some studs should appear each time this is done.

New Town
Get 50 Gold Blocks (from finishing minikits, True Jedi, etc.). In the "Bonus" room in the Cantina, build door number 6.

Ghost characters
Successfully complete Story mode to unlock the Ghost characters for purchase. Ghosts characters are invincible and are ignored by enemies except when in vehicles.

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